Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria Associate Teams

  • Title: Self-Paced Learning for Exploiting Noisy, Diverse or Incomplete Data

  • Inria principal investigator: Pawan Kumar

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • Stanford University (United States) - Artificial Intelligence Lab

  • Duration: 2012 - 2014

  • The goal of the project is to develop methods for learning accurate probabilistic models using diverse (consisting of fully and weakly supervised samples), incomplete (consisting of partially labeled samples) and noisy (consisting of mislabeled samples) data. To this end, we will build on the intuitions gained from self-paced human learning, where a child is first taught simple concepts using simple examples, and gradually increasing the complexity of the concepts and the examples. In the context of machine learning, we aim to impart the learner with the ability to iteratively adapt the model complexity and process the training data in a meaningful order. The efficacy of the developed methods will be tested on several real world computer vision and medical imaging applications using large, inexpensively assembled datasets.

Inria International Partners

  • Department of Diagnostic Radiology, University of Pennsylvania: The GALEN and the Section of Biomedical Image Analysis - SBIA group (Pr. Christos Davatzikos) have an established collaboration during the past three years in the area of deformable image fusion. In this context, PhD candidates of the GALEN group spend time visiting the SBIA group, while Pr. Paragios participates at a Nantional Institute Health grant led by SBIA. Such a collaboration led to a number of outstanding rank journal and conference publications.

  • Department of Computer Science, StonyBrook, State University of New York: The GALEN and the Image Analysis Lab - CBL (Pr. Dimitris Samaras) have an established collaboration during the past years in the area of graph-based methods in medical imaging and computer vision. Pr. Samaras holds a research professor position (DIGITEO chair) at Ecole Centrale de Paris. Such a collaboration led to a number of outstanding rank conference publications during the last years.

  • Chang Gung Memorial Hospital – Linkou, Taiwan: In the context of France-Taiwan program sponsored from the French Science Foundation, GALEN (in collaboration with the department of radiology of Henri Mondor University Hospital), a project (ADAMANTIUS) was initiated with the Chang Gung Memorial Hospital – Linkou that is the largest private hospital in Taiwan. The aim of the project is to study the Automatic Detection And characterization of residual Masses in pAtients with lymphomas through fusioN of whole-body diffusion-weighTed mrI on 3T and 18F-flUorodeoxyglucoSe pet/ct.